Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Does a book need a website?

Does a woman need a man?
Does a fish need a bicycle?

Rather like these questions that I remember from my student days, the answer is that it depends on the book and it depends on the website.

In a rare glimpse into the mind of my alter ego, the children's author S.P.Moss, maybe the more honest answer was that I wanted a website for 'The Bother in Burmeon.'

Books have got by for years and sold millions without websites, but I think I can justify my indulgence on a number of grounds.

My main audience is children aged 9-12. Their mode of operation is digital and visual and, although 'The Bother in Burmeon' is unashamedly retro in style, I felt that a visual presence beyond the cover design would act as a doorway into the world that the story portrays.

And what I don't know about publishing is made up for (I hope) in my experience and knowledge of marketing. Having a well-designed website which adds value to the book, rather than simply repeating it in another medium should help me to be recognised in the overwhelming world of children's books.

I hope that my creative partner and I have made a half-decent job of it.

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