Now, I did make a rule for myself not to push too much of my clients' work on here, but today I had to make an exception for something that is utterly brilliant. A live webcam of a man by the name of Nils in a rather sad and empty looking apartment as he goes about his normal life, with the intruiging title
"warte bis September". What can he be waiting for? Only a few days now before all will be revealed!
I guess. But it doesn't reflect positively on Ikea in my book that Nils leaves the lights on and the TV set running in his empty living room. Hasn't anybody told him that the polar ice caps are melting?
Good point - we should tick him off for that. But at least for the time he's been stuck in his (as now still) dreary apartment he hasn't been driving around in some fuel-guzzling monster.
Anyway, the real fun starts today: watch out for it!
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