Energy company Entega, whose credentials in the area of green and sustainable energy are better than some organised a "Snowman Demo" to raise awareness of global warming and to get people talking.
I didn't see it live, but rapping snowmen paraded through Berlin and people were encouraged to build their own snowman in Berlin's Schloßplatz. Of course this was all accompanied online via the usual channels.
All in all, 750 snowmen were built. I'm not going to go into the politics of climate change, or bore holes in the logic. I'm not even sure how many of the 750 are still there but it's a pretty cool idea.
the idea is indeed cool. but it is quite important to check who is behind entega - and that is an energy supplier that is from my point of view not quite entitled to such greenwashing...e.on nämlich. mehr hier u.a. http://www.asta-uni-mainz.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1294&Itemid=145
Thanks for your comment, Nina - and of course, you are right. I am not that familiar with just how green Entega and its parent company are, which is why I didn't comment on that side of things. Once you start, you can certainly pick holes in the logic of the event itself. But I think any company that wants to stress its green credentials is caught in a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" trap.
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